Adapted Chicken and Broccoli Pasta Recipe: A Heart-Healthy Twist

This adaptation of Nomvula Mthembu’s Chicken Pasta with Broccoli from the Heart & Stroke Foundation South Africa Cookbook boosts health benefits by swapping oils, adding more vegetables, and incorporating mushrooms. Pre-cooked pasta increases resistant starch, making this dish even healthier.

Adapted Chicken and Broccoli Pasta Recipe: A Heart-Healthy Twist


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​Applying nutritional knowledge is essential, and I often modify recipes to boost micronutrient content, increase antioxidants, and improve chronic disease prevention potential. A fantastic resource is a cookbook Cooking from the Heart compiled by Heleen Meyer, developed in collaboration with the Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa and Pharma Dynamics. On page 54, you’ll find Nomvula Mthembu’s Chicken Pasta with Broccoli.

While the recipe is already heart-healthy, I've adapted it to make it even more beneficial for health. These small but impactful changes improve the nutritional profile and enhance the prevention of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease and diabetes.


Recipe Comparison: Original vs. Adapted Versions (with and without milk)


Original Recipe (with Milk)

Adapted Recipe (with Milk)

Adapted Recipe (without Milk)

Sunflower Oil

1 tbsp



Extra Virgin Olive Oil/Canola


1 tbsp

1 tbsp

Chicken Breasts (deboned, skinless)

3 breasts

3 breasts

3 breasts

Dried Mixed Herbs

2 tsp

2 tsp

2 tsp

Onions (chopped)

2 onions

2 onions

2 onions

Green Pepper (chopped)

1 green pepper

2 green peppers

2 green peppers

Garlic (minced)

2 cloves

2-4 cloves (pressed)

2-4 cloves (pressed)





Cake Flour

45 ml



Whole Wheat Flour


45 ml

45 ml

Low-fat or Fat-free Milk

1 cup

1 cup



2 tsp

Mix of Dijon and whole kernel

Mix of Dijon and whole kernel


1 tsp

1.25 ml for chicken; 2.5 ml for pasta

1.25 ml for chicken; 2.5 ml for pasta

Lemon Juice

To taste

To taste

Freshly squeezed lemon juice

Black Pepper

To taste

To taste

To taste

Fusilli Pasta


100g whole wheat, 200g regular fusilli

100g whole wheat, 200g regular fusilli



300g, steamed

300g, steamed

  • Sunflower Oil: Swap 1 tbsp of sunflower oil for 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil or canola oil, both rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.
  • Dried Mixed Herbs: Keep the 2 tsp dried mixed herbs; they add flavour without extra salt or fat.
  • Onions and Green Pepper: Keep 2 onions but increase to 2 chopped green peppers for extra fibre, vitamins, and antioxidants, all of which support heart health.
  • Garlic: Increase from 2 to 4 garlic cloves, as garlic may help lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • Add Mushrooms: Adding 250 g of mushrooms boosts the dish’s nutritional value. Mushrooms are rich in B-vitamins, antioxidants, fibre, and immune-boosting compounds that support heart health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cancer and cardiovascular disease.
  • Increase Broccoli: Increasing broccoli from 200 g to 300 g adds more vitamins, antioxidants, and fibre, supporting immune function, heart health, digestion, and weight management.
  • Flour and Milk:
    • Replace 45 ml cake flour with whole wheat flour or cornstarch to increase fibre.
    • Stick with low-fat or fat-free milk for a heart-friendly option.
    • Enhance Iron Absorption: Omitting milk improves haeme iron absorption from the chicken, as calcium in dairy products can inhibit iron uptake.
  • Mustard: Keep the 2 tsp of mustard for its low-energy flavour boost.
  • Reduce Salt/Sodium:
    • Add half a teaspoon of salt when cooking the pasta and another 1.25 ml or a half teaspoon to the chicken, or omit entirely to reduce sodium intake.
    • Nomvula's recipe using water instead of stock is an effective way to lower sodium. The original recipe's combination of herbs, mustard, lemon juice, and black pepper adds depth and flavour without the need for extra salt.
  • Pasta:
    • Increase the pasta from 200 g to 300 g and use whole wheat or legume-based pasta for extra fiber and protein, helping regulate blood sugar and lower cholesterol.
    • Increase Resistant Starch: Pre-cook and cool the pasta to increase resistant starch, which benefits gut health and blood sugar control.

How to Increase Resistant Starch:

  1. Cook the Pasta: Boil regular or whole wheat or legume-based pasta as per package instructions.
  2. Cool the Pasta: Once cooked, drain and refrigerate for at least 1-2 hours or overnight to increase resistant starch.
  3. Reheat and Add: Before serving, reheat the pasta by tossing it into the chicken mixture. The resistant starch won’t be destroyed during reheating.
  • Chicken Breasts: Stick with 3 deboned, skinless chicken breasts. Increasing the amount of vegetables and pasta while keeping the protein the same makes the meal more cost-effective and kidney-friendly by reducing the overall protein load.

Instructions Comparison:


Original Recipe (with Milk)

Adapted Recipe (with Milk)

Adapted Recipe (without Milk)

Cook the Pasta

Cook fusilli pasta in salted water until tender. Drain and set aside.

Mix whole wheat and regular pasta, cook al dente, refrigerate.

Same as adapted recipe with milk.

Prepare the Chicken

Heat oil, cook chicken until golden, add herbs and water, simmer.

Coat chicken in whole wheat flour, fry until golden brown.

Same as adapted recipe with milk.

Sauté Vegetables

Sauté onions, green pepper, and garlic until softened.

Sauté onions and garlic, set aside. Add mushrooms and peppers.

Same as adapted recipe with milk.

Make the Sauce

Stir in flour, reserved cooking liquid, milk, and mustard.

Add milk, mustard, lemon juice, and pepper.

Omit milk, add mustard, lemon juice, and pepper.

Combine Ingredients

Add chicken, broccoli, and sauce to pasta, simmer and serve.

Mix in pre-steamed broccoli, lemon juice, and pre-cooked pasta.

Same as adapted recipe with milk, omitting milk step.

My Version of the Recipe:

I’m not a fan of the taste of whole wheat pasta, so I used a mix of one-third whole wheat fusilli and two-thirds regular pasta, cooked al dente in clean water with half a teaspoon of salt. To boost resistant starch, I pre-cooked the pasta and stored it in the fridge until use.

  1. Sautéing: I sautéed onions and garlic, then set them aside.
  2. Chicken: I cut the chicken breasts into small pieces, coated them in whole wheat flour, added 1.25 ml of salt, and fried in 1 tbsp canola oil until golden brown.
  3. Vegetables: I added the onions back, along with green peppers and mushrooms. I omitted both water and milk, adding only herbs and a mix of Dijon and whole kernel mustard.
  4. Broccoli: I steamed the broccoli in the bag to save time and added it to the chicken mixture with freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  5. Pasta: Finally, I added the pre-cooked pasta, mixed well, and turned off the heat.

I hope you enjoy making this nutritious dish and sharing it with loved ones!